Wedding Catering


At Mama Stortini’s we know you want your wedding day to be perfect – and so do we! That’s why our catering team assists you with so much more than just planning the menu. We can help with as much or little as needed. From bar service and table linens to china and decor, we’ll help you craft the perfect design for your most important day.
Catering Menu

Wedding Catering - Mama Stortini's Restaurants

More Than Just Delicious Food

Wedding Planning with Mama Stortini's Catering

Event Planning

We’re here to help you select the venue, the menu, the decor, the cake…and all the other details to make your day a true celebration!

Off Site Venues with Mama Stortini's Catering

Off-Site Venues

Mama’s is a preferred caterer at many beautiful off-site venues for indoor, outdoor, formal, or casual weddings and receptions.

Custom Menus

Let us create a custom menu design just for you!

Wedding Tablescape Design Mama Stortinis Catering

Tables & Décor

From Farmhouse to Formal, we are dedicated to helping create the perfect table settings and reception decor.

Wedding Catering


This form is for wedding catering. For non-wedding events, please submit an inquiry using this form.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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  • Wedding Catering Menus can be found here:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.